Place where my creations reside here; whereby any happen to be deemed unfit within the specific netscape sites such as Newgrounds.
Not all works are dazzling, and not all are succumbed to concurrent values today or otherwise (Art's art; a mere expression from author, thereby should not be taken into serious consideration unto thou or others suchalike - or an impression of basis, within author's scrutiny: regardless of notion and/or merit - articulate or not of perusal therein).
Nevertheless, the curations of said handiwork is placed here in this page.
I still need to make it optimized sooner or later as it amasses for long enough.
And don't get me started on how it should be organized.
Anyhoo, here's my oeuvre:
@ Video Games Arcade (Not strictly adhered to term Arcade)
@ Album covers
@ Varied Crux
@ Predicated Datum Artwork
Some of them have their own dedicated and relevant to the works. Per say, album covers for some of the songs, or that Computer applications cover demos, games and productive utilities thereof.